Monday, 29 August 2011

Artist Feature #3: David Jien

Los Angeles based master of graphite, David Jien weaves stunning panoramas where geometric shapes reminiscent of letters and numbers reside alongside dead forests, owl faced wizards, giants, robots and
aerosol wielding lizardmen in an isometric world. Look long enough at his geometric "letters" one can get the sense that they try to convey some lost information through an archaic language.

David Jien

Saturday, 20 August 2011

I can try again

If you are in Germany this September don't miss more than a hundred drawings by our witnesser Samuele Bastianello, exhibited in the prodigious Yachtklub boat house under Alte Brücke, Frankfurt.

I can try again
Drawings by Samuele Bastianello
September 6 - 11th
Deutschherrnufer/Alte Brücke
Frankfurt am Main

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Art Crank

This Friday a few of our friends will be exhibiting at the art crank's "poster party for bike people" at Look Mum No Hands in Old street. Both Mark Lazenby and Kai Nødland will be displaying their work there amongst many other talented artists. So if you're into bikes and/or art, drop by 19th Feb and get some affordable limited edition art (the prints are all going for an incredible £30 each!)

Look Mum No Hands
49 Old Street
London EC1V 9HX

More Information:
Look Mum No Hands

Artist Feature #2: Kai Nødland

This guy's work is all raw energy, made up from the remnants of childhood, that mental freedom and the comical tragedy which we now can recall with great fondness.

Distinctive sketches, colourful digital work, his work is playful as it is varied, containing a simplicity in its ramified structure.

Kai was born and raised in Norway and now lives and works in London.

Kai Nodland

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Artist Feature #1: Samuele Bastianello

We start off our artist features with Witness member: Samuele Bastianello.

From clinical magnetic tree series to his raw sketch-like series, Samuele's work always intrigues and is unrelenting in its honesty and openness. A strong sense of detachment, uniformity and the absurdity of day to day life makes this particular Frankfurt based Italians work stand out.

Samuele Bastianello